Barton, Jessie

Cemetery / Crematorium Name: Northwood Cemetery
Burial/Cremation Month: 9
Burial/Cremation Year: 1876

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Blurred Register Page Blurred view of register page containing Barton, Jessie

The format and the content shown within these register pages changes over time and also different information is sometimes recorded for each Cemetery/Crematorium. Certain fields may have been redacted (hidden) for data protection reasons. Each page may contain multiple records. The following information may (although not always) be shown on the purchased image:

  • Number of Entry (Burial/Cremation Number)
  • Age
  • Burial/Cremation date
  • Place of Burial/Cremation (Section/Class within the Cemetery)
  • Number of Grave (Plot number within the Section/Class within the Cemetery)
  • Remarks